Welcome, I’m Suzanne!
I’ll help you cut through the noise and listen to your body’s innate wisdom. We’ll bridge the gap between what you love to do and what you need more of to create a movement practice built for longevity. I’ll give you the tools to build strength, cultivate ease, and discover what it feels like to have a movement practice that lets you feel at home in your body.
Welcome to your journey back to pain-free movement and strength.
If you’ve felt misunderstood and misrepresented by the messaging around fitness and strength as you age, you’re not alone! I understand how challenging it can be to rebuild muscle mass when you suddenly feel like you’ve lost it. Navigating uncertainty and maintaining self-confidence when nothing in your body feels like it once did is NOT easy. If you want less pain and more strength, you need more than just a quick fix.
Let’s create a committed movement practice focused on YOU that sparks joy and a deeper connection to yourself.
When we work together, we’ll take a progressive approach to getting stronger and moving better. I won’t offer dogmatic, one-size-fits-all answers. Together, we’ll create a lifelong movement and strength practice that will inspire you to live the life you envision.
Get my free 5-day posture reset video series when you sign up for my newsletter below!
Kind Words