What I Was Reading And Listening To in 2021: For Yoga And Movement Teachers And The Spiritually Curious

When I am looking for inspiration for teaching soulful, creative classes, I also look to the experiences of others for knowledge and inspiration. When we draw on collective experiences for inspiration we grow together.

Curiosity is essential to our growth and inspiration as teachers and humans! 

Read on and dig into this list of yoga books, podcasts, fiction for fun, and poetry that will keep your brain active and your creative juices flowing!

Here are my current top choices for teaching and learning about yoga and movement (some old and some new)

Current favorite books of poetry and inspiration:

Current favorites for mindfulness and meditation:

Other fiction and non-fiction favorites ❤️


What’s on your list of favorites?


Somatic Movement: Simple Can Be Profound — calming a dysregulated nervous system.


How Do Clinical Somatic Exercises Reduce Muscle Tension?